Responsible for the content of this website in terms of Sect. 5 TMG is Bert Kaempfert Music Publishing GmbH. The responsible person is Doris Kaempfert.
Bert Kaempfert Music Publishing GmbH
Established in 1994 (formerly Edition Doma, Bert Kaempfert)
Managed by Doris Kaempfert.
Responsible for the management of most copyrights for works by the composers Bert Kaempfert and Herbert Rehbein.
Bert Kaempfert Music
Owner of the master copyrights for all Bert Kaempfert works released after 1962.
HRB 4682 Amtsgericht Norderstedt
UST-ID-NR.: DE 167337035
Götzberger Straße 74
D-24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg
Email: info (et)
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